What’s in a location?
Why does the location of your family photos matter? Because it is part of setting the scene for your family story that we will tell together. Every location comes with it’s own vibe and personality. The backdrops and textures available support your story. So, I’m going to share my three favorite Washington, DC family photo locations with you. One is urban, another is naturey (yes, I make up words when I need to – what of it?!) and the last is very DC.
My Three Favorite Washington, DC Family Photo Locations
First on the list of my favorite Washington, DC Family Photo locations is the Kennedy Center. I love this one in part because it’s a little outside of the box. Kennedy Center for shows? Obviously. Kennedy Center for photo sessions? Also yes! The grand architecture, Potomac River views, greenery of the surrounding gardens all make for gorgeous backdrops. The rooftop is also a fantastic spot for photos, and bonus – the Washington Monument is visible from there.

Next on my list of Washington DC, family photo location is Rock Creek Park – an absolute urban oasis. It makes for a fantastic family photo session location in the fall, spring, or summer. WIth all of the trees and plant life, the park is really lush and green (or autumnal) for much of the year. Rock Creek is enormous, and there are therefore loads of options for photo session locations. However, one of my favorites is the the area surrounding the Nature Center. Remember how I mentioned backdrops and textures? Within a short walk of the nature center, there are trails, bridges, brick walls – lots to work with. All of that is what landed Rock Creek Park on my list.

Blagden Alley is brimming with creativity and is an awesome location for family photos. It’s also a great spot for food and drink, but more on that another time! The vibrant murals, historic architecture, and beautiful brickwork create amazing layers and textures that add a fun, artsy, edgy feel to photos. There is also a good amount of variety within these alleyways, so it is possible to get many different types of photos all within a contained setting.

What now?
To see more examples of my three favorite Washington, DC family photo locations – check out the portfolio pages on my website. For some of my favorite places in DC generally, check out my guide to visiting the city. If you’re ready to plan a session and want to talk more about locations, drop me a note via my contact form!

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